
By default, your personal email address in Salesforce is listed as the return address. You can simply change this to another preferred email address, for instance, a shared mailbox email address. Nevertheless, return address default to personal email address is an out-of-box behavior from Salesforce, and there is currently no workaround for admin to alter it. 

Note: The return address is used when you are creating a new email or sending a reply email within Salesforce.  

1. In Salesforce, go to your profile by clicking the avatar (view profile) at the top right corner. Then, go to Settings.

2. This opens a new tab in Salesforce to display your Personal Information. Navigate to Email > My Email Settings.


3. Under My Email Settings, you can update the following:

Return AddressUse any preferred email address 

Automatic BCC - Select Off if you do not want to be BCC'ed when sending emails within Salesforce.

SignatureThe signature you would like to use when emailing in Salesforce.


4. Make your change, and then click Save to save your changes.